Monday, April 18, 2011

My New Ob$e$$ion

As if I needed something else to fantasize about... I found something truly extraordinary. Couponing. That's right, cutting coupons is the new "thing" right now.

Couponing appeals to me for a plethora of reasons, and no one reason stands out above another; they are all equally as enticing. This new obsession spawned from a new television show (imagine that!) that follows the lives of dedicated couponing machines. They have this stuff down to a science. This is the first reason it is so appealing -- the numbers involved.
I am a freak of nature. Some of you may have numerous thoughts running through your mind when I say this, but I am referring to my weird obsession with doing math. I am always calculating something. Whether it's a discount in a retail store, the amount of debt I have accrued over my college career, or how much I will make on my next paycheck, I love counting. Couponing is my calling in this regard. I could methodically clip and save at the same time. My dream come true!

The second reason it draws me in deals with the fact that it gives me something to do with my free time. I am painfully aware of the amount of free time I have. Although the school work never ends, it inevitably gets put off anyway. Needless to say, there is only one week left and then I will be left with.... well, George. When did I stop having fun?
Couponing will also take my mind off of the fact that I am old. Not just a little old, but a lot old. I just created a Twitter (welcome to the 21st century). I wake up early. I go to bed early. I stopped drinking 4Loko's (at least for the time being).

Let's just hope this is all just a temporary growth stunt in my "fun" genes. A bad hoarding habit and an intense couponing obsession could lead to some serious trouble...

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