Monday, April 2, 2012

Small, Important Moments

Life is moving slow again. After a very busy and hectic few months, I can finally relax... at least for a few days. It's funny how time seems to escape you in the hustle and bustle of life, but it is so important to take pleasure in the small, important moments.

Lately I have been enjoying a lot of small, important moments. For starters I have finally finished the daunting task of writing my Master's thesis. At one point in time I thought these 78 pages would be the death of me, but now that I look back on all the work that I put into this piece of writing I couldn't be more proud of myself. This is one of the biggest accomplishments I have achieved in my entire life, and it is such a good feeling to relish the moment. Now all that's left is the defense of my work and I will be on my way with a Master's degree in only one month. Goodness gracious, the time really does fly!

If you know me, you know once I got that school stuff out of the way I would be ready to celebrate. This weekend was a vacation for me. A few of my closest friends and I headed to Charleston for a weekend of relaxation, fun, and a little bit of running. It was so nice to just let loose and not have to worry about a deadline or an assignment or grading papers.. I just got to be myself with some of the people I love the most. After running a 10k on Saturday morning we celebrated with victory drinks and celebratory dancing (two of my very most favorite things on the planet). Leaving Charleston was a very hard thing to do but I foresee many upcoming trips in the near future.

It seems like more and more small, important moments have been happening a lot lately. Or maybe they have always been there and I haven't really appreciated them as much as I could have. I am continually learning more about myself on a daily basis. Who I am, who I have been, who I will be... all of these things are fun to think about. I guess being 24 isn't such a curse after all.

I have learned to live more in the moment and less in the future; everything will work out. Why waste your time stressing over things? Maybe this is just my inner hippie self emerging, my "one with nature" personality as my friends would say. Or maybe I just need to get out of Boone as my mother would say. Whatever the reason, I'm loving these small, important realizations in life and I couldn't be more content.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy these days. All the hard work and persistence always rewards you. Way to go!
