Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Wishlist

Bravo TV has got to cut it out. I mean really, why must they tempt me with their reality shows while I am trying to get work done? My guilty pleasure tonight: Millionaire Matchmaker Reunion. I love me some Patti Stanger, that girl keeps it real.

Watching this show gives me the chance to think about what I look for in a guy. If I had my own personal Patti, who would she match me up with? We all know I don't necessarily have a "type" per se, but there are a few things that my potential new beau must have.

-- A sense of humor. I need a guy who can laugh with me and make me laugh in return. How boring would a relationship be without laughter?
-- A backbone. I have been in a few relationships where the guy had absolutely NO backbone. This is nowhere near attractive, it's actually a huge turn-off. Not to get this confused with just being a total jerk either. There needs to be a happy medium.
-- Manners. I don't get all bent out of shape if the guy has a few mishaps here and there during our relationship. But there are some things guys should always do. Like pay for the first date (believe it or not, this issue has arisen in my previous dating life), or initiate conversations instead of waiting on you to make the first move. Pride should never get in the way in a relationship.
-- Height. I know I'm a little bit on the tall side, but shorties need not apply. I usually date guys around my height, but have yet to find the super tall stud of my dreams.
-- A close relationship with his family. You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats his mama.
-- Goals. There isn't a bigger turn-off in my book than a guy that has no ambition or goals in life. I certainly don't float around aimlessly, I don't want my partner to either.

Obviously there are more requirements to my ever-growing list: I like guys with nice teeth, guys that drive big non-girly cars, a guy with a sense of style, intelligence (duh, he has got to be able to keep up with me), and the list goes on. Unfortunately for me, I don't have Patti Stanger to help me with my quest. Fortunately for me, my mother proves to be even tougher than my girl Patti. You ask how this is possible? Just take my word for it.

For the first time in my life I am not settling. In just a few short weeks I will have been a single girl for an entire year. That sounds silly saying, but coming from a "relationship-girl" it is definitely a feat. Luckily for me, I have plenty of things to do to occupy my time, and as we all know I already have my number one man: George. And who needs more than a loving feline in life? All I want for Christmas is my perfect match. No biggie, a girl can dream right?

Monday, November 28, 2011

What a Tease

Thanksgiving break is such a tease. A few days of bliss, then I'm thrown right back into my same-old-same routine. Buzzkill. But with Thanksgiving coming and going, Christmas is right around the corner, and a month of me-time is what I am needing right now. With school becoming more and more of a chore on a daily basis (weird concept there, right?), I need a week or two to forget about school-related obligations.

This past weekend was the perfect opportunity to just relax with family, eat some good food, and catch up with a few old friends. This was also my first Black Friday shopping experience, and it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.. Maybe due to the fact that my target stores to hit were a few boutiques and my all-time fav, Anthro. And as per usual, Anthropologie did not disappoint. To say I got some fabulous deals is an understatement. So, waking up for this beauty (which I snagged at a fraction of the original price) was well worth it.

I also managed to snag up another adorable jacket by Daughters of the Liberation, an assortment of tops and sweaters, a fur vest I've been searching for high and low, a BIG pocketbook (and guess what? it's NOT a sidebag), and some pretty new jewels. And when you get these things while they are on sale, the thrill of the hunt is that much sweeter. Unlike some other people I've been hearing about in the news, I didn't get too crazy over finding a good deal. This lady even maced a few people in order to be the first in line. Nothing spreads Christmas cheer like a good can of mace!

Shopping also served as a means to walk off some of those carbs I inhaled at the dinner table on Thanksgiving (and practically all weekend to be frank). Finally, I have come out of my turkey-induced food coma and if I never see another piece of turkey again in my life I will be completely content. Trying to eat healthier was a bad idea right before the holidays. Portion control, what in the world is that? 

I thought I wouldn't be able to bring myself to drive back up the mountain this morning. The only real motivation I had was this little guy sleeping beside me on the couch as we speak. George is such an angel pie, just wanna gobble him up! But I still wish the two of us were back home blogging, instead of one top of this mountain where everything is flooding. How am I supposed to accomplish anything with this dreary weather and an illness that is quickly approaching. Of course I would get sick right before finals.

The good news is: We only have one full week of school left. My last Fall semester of graduate school is coming to an end. Holy moly, where has the time gone?! I will get to see all of my favorite gals in just a few short weeks. Getting us all into one room is a recipe for disaster, but I cannot wait to see them. The bad news: time. is. going. to. d.r.a.g....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Lot of Reasons to Smile

Thanksgiving is only a few short days away and the anticipation is killing me. I just want to pack up my stuff, pack up my tiny infant George, and head home. However I can't do these things because: a. I still have class next week, unfortunately and b. George isn't "allowed" to come home with me because everyone in my family is "allergic" yeah, yeah. Poor baby George.

Seeing as how I don't have time to blog when I am home (my time with mommy consists of eating, shopping, eating some more, and shopping some more), I figured this work-free Saturday would be the perfect opportunity to verbalize what I am thankful for this year. And blogging really gets the creative juices flowing, which I will need for the rest of the day while I work on my thesis... Envious of my Saturday now aren't you?

First and foremost, I am thankful for my wonderfully supportive, caring family. Having such a close relationship with my Mom is something I value very highly. I know I have said this before, but without her guidance and support there is honestly no telling where I would be today. The other members of my family have also helped me become the person I am today. Blessed is such a cliche word, but it's the only one that comes to mind when I think of family. I can't wait to spend some qt with them and eat some of my grandpa's delicious Thanksgiving feast. Here we all are on his 70th birthday last year. Like Elton John down there on the end in the green jacket?

Secondly, I am thankful for such great friends in my life. Modern technology has made it so easy to keep in touch with one another. Whether it's blogging, skyping, group texting (thanks to my inventive friend Louise), or the old-fashioned way of calling, we are all able to keep in touch with one another. Given our hectic lifestyles and sometimes differing time zones, it is so special when we are able to forget all of our cares and just be ourselves. I love you gals! And I love your rockstar bangs Ash, and wish that you would bring them back.

I am also thankful for the opportunities that have been afforded to me throughout my life. One of my classes has really opened my eyes to the opportunities (or lack thereof) available to human beings everywhere. Do you ever think of your life in other terms? Like what your life would be like if you had been born in a different country or into a different, more oppressive culture? Sometimes it is easy to forget how lucky we are. And although I may not be part of the "1%", I am rich in all the ways that truly matter.

So smile, life is what you make it. What are you thankful for these days?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bring Some Color Into Your Life

Recently, it has been brought to my attention that I am obsessed with prints. To be more specific, I am totally, completely, utterly obsessed with tribal prints. I swear, I must be an Indian at heart, but aren't we all (this was their land before we came here people)!

After a quick glance in my closet, I realized that I have gotten in the habit of purchasing clothes that are far from plain. Don't get me wrong, I still have the staple "plain" pieces that should make up anyone's wardrobe; I just am not necessarily drawn to these options when they are hanging up in the store.

My current home here in Boone also has led me to start liking things I would have never thought twice about beforehand. Honestly, I am glad for this fact. I know my friends may say I have a weird sense of fashion as of late (ahem, Ashleigh Cates), but I like being a little different. And thanks to Pinterest I have been able to drool over some new pieces that will come into my possession in the near future. All I have to say is, thank goodness for this website.

From shoes, to tops, to skirts, to jewels, there is no way you can go wrong with tribal prints. They even have moccasins lined in tribal print -- double whammy for this girl who absolutely loves her moccasins. Tribal prints from head to toe. God Bless America, how can anyone not like these things! Mom, Christmas is quickly approaching. I hope you're taking notes ;)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

Coming back from vacation always leaves me feeling sort of blaaah. I know most of my working friends will say, "But Jamie, your whole life is a vacation, you are still in school!" But this only has some semi-truth to it. School is hard, especially when you procrastinate. But like the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", I have learned to stick with methods that work. And if procrastination gets me a 3.8 GPA in grad school, I'll take it.

After my eventful trip to NYC this past weekend, coming home was surreal. The extended weekend flew by way too fast, and now it's time to get back into the swing of things. Back to school, back to work, back to research. Oh, the little joys in life!

This is where my most recent realization comes into play: I have got to take a break from school. Although dreams of one day getting my PhD are not completely being thrown away, they may be placed on the back burner for a little bit. I am at a stage in my life where I am ready to face the real world and start a career, or at least try a few jobs out.

Being in a city like New York makes me crave a fast-paced lifestyle. While I know I could never permanently live in a city that big (I'm a Southern girl at heart), I know that at this point in my life there is a perfect opportunity to explore a few options. After some careful thought, NYC may be a little too big for this mama's girl. So I guess for now, I will have to suffice with a visit or two (or three, or four....) a year.

Seeing as how NYC may be out of the question, I have been toying with a few other cities to reside in. On the top of my list is DC. Not too far from home, a metropolitan area, many job opportunities, this city seems to have it all. And I know the perfect place for me to live. I'll give you a few hints: it's big and it's white.

Considering some recent job opportunities, I've also contemplated moving to Knoxville, Raleigh, or even Atlanta. I guess when you live in a town like Boone anything seems more fast-paced. Now comes the application process; just another activity to keep me from school work. Speaking of activities keeping me from school work, today I stumbled upon this...

I just have to keep reminding myself to keep my eye on the prize and in no time I will be finished with school, probably wishing I was right back in the position I am currently in. But don't we always want what we don't have?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Working for the Weekends

Well, after a few days of 'me' time, I'm back. Phew, you can all rest easy now. Only kidding.... After a very eventful weekend, it is nice to be back to my second home in Boone. This weekend flew by, but isn't that always the case when you're having a good time?

Greenville never disappoints, and this weekend was no exception. After going out on the town, running into some old high school friends, attending a blowout game, and catching up on some much needed quality time with old friends, I am excited to get back to my routine. Wow, I sound old. But seriously, sleep tonight is much anticipated.

Southern Miss absolutely killed ECU on Saturday, but it was nice to be in the company of good people in a town where my Mom attended college. It was so weird to think about me being in the same spots she had been just a few very short years ago. I would love to plan another trip down there with her sometime, to let her relive her college days and share a piece of her history with me. How fun and so very special.

Maybe not as much fun as the guy who decided streaking would be a good idea on Saturday... And yes, there was a streaker. And yes, we were sitting in the third row. And yes, any pictures I managed to capture are too obscene for a PG rated blog. Let's just say that was my first real-life encounter, and hopefully my last.

After a weekend like this past one, anyone would need to catch up on their sleep. Needless to say, this upcoming weekend is sure to include no sleep at all. It happens to be Brooklyn's annual electronic music festival this weekend in New York. Electronic music? Me? No way. Only kidding once again... This girl will be in heaven.

In preparation I will be listening to this song on repeat. And if you don't like it you're crazy.

So here it is, not even Monday, and I'm already working for the next weekend. Friday simply cannot come soon enough. Time for me to rest up!